By David J.
January 10, 2013

Shortly after 8:00pm Thursday evening the Nanuet Fire Department members gathered at the Prospect Street firehouse (8-100) to hold its annual meeting. The annual meeting is held each year in January to review the previous year's business, tie up loose ends and install the incoming officers for the upcoming year.

President Matthew Bowler called the meeting to order. Both outgoing Chief Anthony Knapp and Chief Engineer Jason Schlesinger delivered their reports for 2012 thanking the membership and officers for their dedication and help for the previous year.

The meeting was then turned over to Chairman Harold Straut of the Nanuet Fire District to administer the oath of office to the new incoming officers for 2013. The following is a list of the department's new leaders:

Chief: Christopher M. Koester
1st Asst Chief: Todd Giraudin
2nd Asst Chief: Bill Schoenleber
Captain: Brian Ready
1st Lieutenant: Joe Koester
2nd Lieutenant: David Jacobson
3rd Lieutenant: Nicholas Pata
Chief Chauffeur: Brian O'Toole
1st Asst Chauffeur: Joseph Pacella
2nd Asst Chauffeur: Denise Schoenleber
3rd Asst Chauffeur: Patrick Tobin

President: Matthew Bowler
Vice President: Matthew Younghans
Treasurer: Joseph Somma
Financial Secretary: Craig Simon
Recording Secretary: Mark Perlowitz
Corresponding Secretary: Gregory Tobin
Trustee: Edward Smith
Trustee: Joseph Helmke

The meeting was adjourned ending another successful year for the Nanuet Fire Department.